September 22 & 23, Greensboro, NC

Taught by Jim Gerrish and Allan Nation

September 22 & 23 n Friday 8 a.m. to Saturday 5 p.m.n Greensboro, North Carolina

Fescue is the core forage of most southern grazing operations. While widely cussed, fescue-based pastures, with the proper grazing management, offer the opportunity for a virtually no hay operation in most of the South and lower Midwest.

And getting the hay out is the single most important thing you can do to increase the profitability of your grazing operation.

The Southern Fescue belt can be the lowest cost region for cowcalf production in the USA with management-intensive grazing. Perhaps, fescue�s ultimate competitive advantage for cow-calf producers is its ability to allow extremely low-cost, no-hay fall calving.

Combined with a low cost spring calving program, spring and fall calving allows for much better cash flow and marketing opportunities and is something every grassfinisher will want to do. This school will cover both calving seasons, in great detail.

With complementary additions such as legumes and summer crabgrass, managed fescue can provide year around grazing for stocker cattle and provide a base forage for grass finishing. This school is designed to teach in a time-intensive manner the basics of how to make the most of fescue-based pastures.

Taught by Jim Gerrish author of the best selling book Management-Intensive Grazing and Stockmkan Grass Farmer editor, Allan Nation, the school is designed to present the �whole� necessary for a profitable grass-based operation in fescue country.

Gerrish ran his own successful fescue-based ranch for many years and has learned its problems and opportunities first hand.

Nation will give you a primer on livestock marketing and how to play the current stage of the cattle cycle to your best advantage. This will include how to gradually phase out your commodity cattle production while switching to higher value grassfed production.

Subjects to be covered at this school include:
F How to maintain a legume component in fescue.
F How to establish and maintain crabgrass in your fescue stand.
F How to stockpile fescue for wintergrazing.
F How to ration out stockpiled fescue to eliminate hayfeeding.
F How to decide whether or not to eliminate �dirty� fescue.
F A review of the fescue species available and their advantages and disadvantages.
F How to fight flies and internal parasites � naturally.

Developing a fescue-based farm or ranch is definitely a game of �first things first.� We promise you�ll save yourself thousands of dollars in unnecessary expenditures and years of frustration by making this school the �first� thing you do.

Our spring school on Getting The Hay Out sold out two months in advance. Don�t let this happen to you. The total tuition to this one-time school is $350 but just $125 will hold your seat. The balance is not due until 9/10. Send a check with the coupon below or call 1-800-748-9808 today!

The school will be held at The Embassy Suites Greensboro. A discounted room rate of $109 is available until September 7. This includes a free cooked-to-order breakfast and free evening hors d�oeuvres. Call the Embassy Suites at 336-668-4535 and be sure to tell them you are with the Stockman Grass Farmer school.

$125.00 Reserve Space

$350.00 Register for Conference

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September 22 and 23 2006 � Greensboro, North Carolina





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Deposit $125 per person.

Complete school $350 per person.

SGF � P.O. BOX 2300 � RIDGELAND, MS 39158-2300 � 1-800-748-9808

Total amount enclosed $______________

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